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Create Pipedrive Deals for New Form Submissions in Webflow
Integrating Webflow and Pipedrive can streamline your workflow by automatically creating deals in Pipedrive for every new form submission on your Webflow site. While services like Zapier offer similar integration capabilities, they can quickly become expensive as your automation needs grow. For instance, Zapier’s free tier is limited to 100 tasks per month, and the Professional tier starts at 750 tasks for $29.99 USD/month. If you require more automation, Zapier’s pricing escalates to $3,299 USD/month for one million tasks, with only a 33% discount available for annual billing — still a significant cost.
In contrast, deploying this integration on AWS can achieve the same functionality at a fraction of the cost. By utilizing AWS Lambda and API Gateway, the cost for 750 tasks would be approximately $0.0028 USD, and for one million tasks, it would be approximately $3.70 USD. This vast difference in pricing underscores the significant cost savings of using AWS over Zapier, potentially saving your business thousands of dollars annually.
This article walks you through setting up a secure Webhook in Webflow using OAuth to capture form submissions and then using the Pipedrive API to create deals based on the form data. By following this guide, you can efficiently manage your sales pipeline while keeping your operational costs…